welcome to ezhavam.com
(Profiles for ezhava community only)
This website is entirely different than any other leading Marriage websites. Here all the horoscopes (if given) are opened to public to compare with theirs. Many parents are very strongly trust in Horoscope. Also we are providing Time of birth, Malayalam Date of birth, Sishta Dasa and type of Jathakam (if given) to compare horoscope before going to confirm with Astrologer. That is why, this website is customer friendly.
Registration with full details will keep for unlimit period. No COMMISSION or other expenses for Party to Party deals.
We do service to findout external matching profile (with Star & Grahanila) upon Party request. This service is payable.
For Payment, visit Membership Page.
To know more, pl. visit Office at Chanthappura Jn., Kodungallur, Thrissur.
Thank you very much for your interest in this ' Ezhava ' marriage website.